Your Child's First Visit

A child's first visit to the dentist should be an enjoyable experience. We understand that children can be uneasy when faced with a new situation. The staff at Folan Family Dental uses pleasant, non-frightening, simple words to describe each part of the appointment. We want you and your child to feel at ease from the moment you arrive at FFD.
Folan Family Dental feels that the use of children’s literature is a good way to introduce your child to their first visit to the dentist. At FFD we have a library of books that we recommend. The books can be borrowed from our office at no charge and returned at the appointment. By reading to your child, you can introduce them to the dentist, the office visit, dental tools & equipment, proper brushing and a variety of other topics. While reading and discussing the pictures, your child has the opportunity to ask questions. In our dental library, we have a variety of books to accommodate your child’s age and interests. Our staff is familiar with the choices and we have short descriptions of each book to assist you with picking the book that will best suit your child. To borrow a book, simply contact reception at FFD.
In addition, when you borrow a book from our library, we have a list of suggestions and activities to further assist you with preparing your child for their first dental visit.
Also, if your child has specific concerns about their initial dental visit, please let the staff at Folan Family Dental know.